Custom backing tracks

Get the Perfect Sound for Your Project Whether you need original music for your next single, custom backing tracks to practice with for an upcoming performance, or something unique to add a new layer of sound to your project, we've got you covered! With an experienced team of producers and engineers, Nico is here to ensure you achieve the perfect sound. Elevate your recordings and performances to the next level with our top-tier services!

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Looking to take your singing career to the next level? I've got you covered.

Why Tell You When I Can Show You? Instead of talking about what I can do, let me show you! Listen to some custom backing tracks below. These are just 10 out of the more than 20,000 tracks I’ve created over the years.

Atlanta Blue (The Statlers)

Baseball (Michael Franks)

Bright Lights (Mats Radberg)

Bubble Medley (Michael Bubble)

Everlasting arms (11th Hour)

Guess (Kyan Burns)

Kick ass Country (Robert Mizzell)

Little did I know (Jimmy Bucket)

Natural (LAB)

Smells like teen spirit (Paul Anka)

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Custom Backing Tracks

Custom Backing Tracks

We make professional custom backing tracks from scratch, amazing replications from any original song. No matter the music genre, no matter the complexity. Our backing tracks are ranked among the best in the world. Checkout our customer reviews.

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custom backing tracks

Individual tracks for free

Having access to the individual tracks can give you a lot more flexibility in terms of mixing and editing your music.

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How to record an album like a professional

We can create and do the arrangements for your album, fully orchestrated and instrumented in the style you want.

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